Half-Time Review With The To Do Checklist

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We have discussed in depth, how to set goals and how to build your to-do lists, but there are still many things that can greatly contribute to our success. Aside from mentioning that powerful to-do list building techniques and the use of the most appropriate task software, like the current version of To Do Checklist, it is important to introduce yet another positive habit into your system. We would like to focus and show you the benefits of doing a “half-time” review of what you have achieved before you complete your long-term goal. For a moment, recall any sport and see how many breaks they have? Commentators take their time to do a review of to the game while players are gathered for a psychological flashback and recharge.


Review Your Goals Frequently

Reviewing your goals, on regular basis helps you to keep your focus and motivation intact. There is a common trend for people to review their goals once a year. Actually, they do it right before year ends. Let’s outline the importance of more frequent reviews for achieving your goals in less time.

“Halftime” Review in Sports

Let’s take a look at the sports. On the break, commentators perform a review of the previous half of the game. Usually, they discuss what happened during the first half and highlight the most interesting moves of players along with match replays.

–        The break is not only for physical therapy or rest for players. It is a time when the team and coach gather to share thoughts and perform mental preparation to upcoming challenges of the second half.

–        The halftime is more of an emotional experience, shared by the players and a coach.

–        Players review actions and analyze their emotional reactions.

–        Sports coaching field has effective communication that we should use too.

–        Halftime review takes only 15 minutes for coach to speak to players and impose positive influence to increase their performance.

Halftime review helps to reveal the entire context off the game. There are many psychological demands in soccer, for instance, which include confidence, concentration and motivation. These demands are influenced by the game itself and the halftime review examines the trends and level of emotional readiness.

–        The key element of successful halftime review is in communication. But how “halftime” review is related to your goals? We came up with several important steps to help you make your own halftime review of your goal.

Step 1: Review Your Results

In the first step, assess how much you have done towards achieving your goal. Questions to ask:

  • What have I done so far?
  • How did I perform?
  • Did it work?
  • What has contributed to my success of my sub-goals?
  • Did I focus enough on the actions?

Step 2: Determine Necessity for Adjustments

If you see that you’re moving towards your goal pretty fast, you are good. If not, think of adjustments if your goal reaching seems to be slow. Analysis will help to determine whether changes and adjustments are required.

  • How to amplify the positives that help me reach my goal?
  • How to minimize the negative effects that stop me from achieving my goal?
  • How to get back on track towards my goal?
  • Is my attitude and approach to actions is positive?
  • Do I stay focused?
  • What else will help me to stay on track towards achieving my goal?

Step 3: Making Actions

This stage is about making actions. Take To Do Checklist and plan your tasks for a day, week or month. Set on-time reminders to help keep track of your sub-goals and tasks in the app. Just like in sports, as soon as players decide which adjustments to implement, they go out on a field and do it. The same applies to you – take a break to review your progress and see if you can come up with different approach to achieving your goals.

Key points
Actually, sports athletes are not so different from corporate athletes. Make sure to start practicing the half-time review to assess if you are on right track to achieving your goal. Determine if you do enough to achieve what you want. If not, apply adjustments that will significantly improve your chances of “winning” just like sports athletes do.

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